Boise Voices

Boise Voices

Oral History Project

The Boise Voices Youth
How would you answer them? Click a face to hear the question.

Boise Voices 2009: Darren, Dominique, Janiya, Kane, Kennedy, Kyla, Melissa, Noah, Nylia, Sam, Sandra, Shawn, Sherman and William (high school students from AYOS and 3rd graders from Boise-Eliot Elementary)


The Boise Voices Youth

Boise Voices 2010: Isaiah, Jacquelyn, Jade, Lillian, Mya, Natalya, Nikole, Rockye, Syndnei, Treveon (3rd graders from Boise-Eliot Elementary, with Apricot Irving)


The Boise Voices Youth

Boise Voices 2010: Assistant Ryan White with youth interviewers


Audio Links

Text of Audio Links

  • Is there anything you've always wanted to do but never got around to it--or haven't yet?
  • Have you ever had a crush on someone in your school days?
  • Describe your mother in her best dress. Did she ever go dancing?
  • Tell me about your best childhood friend. Are you still in touch?
  • What was your favorite book when you were a child?
  • What were some of your goals and ambitions when you were young and have you fulfilled any of them?
  • When were you lonely? What did you do about it?
  • How is the world different now from when you were a child?
  • Did you ever wish you lived somewhere else, if so where?
  • Can you tell us any stories about your grandparents?
  • Reflecting on your life, is it how you imagined it would be?
  • Did you ever get into trouble when you were growing up? How do you feel about that now?
  • What person was most influential in your life during the hard times of growing up?
  • So, do you have any advice for people my age, teenagers?
© 2009 Boise Voices - Graphic Design: Lark Press - Web Development: Thomas George
This project was made possible by a generous grant from NECN and ONI.